Believers Worship Center: Over 2000 Members Receive ¢20,000 Each As Gift

Believers Worship Center

Believers Worship Center: Over 2000 Members Receive ¢20,000 Each As Gift

The Believers Worship Center, also known as Philadelphia Church, led by Stephen Adom Kyei Duah, surprised its members with a massive cash giveaway.

Over 2000 members received ¢20,000 each, totaling ¢41,000,000+, from a $3 million that was shared.

These were all members of Stephen Adom Kyei Duah’a church, Believers Worship Center aka Philadelphia

The money was shared on a table in the church premises yesterday as a surprise to all the church members.

Videos circulating online see these church members in a jubilating mode. This is the first time a mega church has reciprocated love to its members in this magnitude.

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withalvin: Alvin is a passionate entertainment writer with a keen interest in music, movies, and celebrity news. He has a strong background in journalism and has been writing professionally for several years now. Alvin's writing is known for its creativity, wit, and insightful commentary on the latest happenings in the entertainment world. Contact me by Email: or Phone: +233 254 668 8029