Funny Face Makes Another Crazy Revelation About Vanessa, Vows To Drop More

Funny Face’s attempt at apologizing to his baby mama, Vanessa, and her parents has backfired.

In a video meant to address his recent outbursts, he blamed his behavior on mental health issues but quickly reverted to his offensive language. Instead of making amends, he accused Vanessa of teaching their young twins how to smoke weed.

Funny Face took his accusations a step further, alleging that Vanessa’s father taught her how to smoke at the age of five.

He implied that this childhood experience influenced her behavior and led her to teach their children how to smoke. This apology attempt has sparked outrage and disbelief among fans and followers.

The video has left many questioning Funny Face’s sincerity and ability to take responsibility for his actions.

His words have caused harm and offense, and his apology attempt has only made matters worse.

Watch his video below;


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