Tricked and Ashamed: Husband Seeks Help After Wife’s Cunning Move

cheating husband caught

Tricked and Ashamed: Husband Seeks Help After Wife's Cunning Move

A man has taken to social media to seek help after his wife outsmarted him in a clever trick. He shared his story on Facebook, revealing how his wife deleted his girlfriend’s number and saved her own number under the same name.

Unbeknownst to him, his wife was aware of his infidelity and played along, leading him to believe he was sending money to his girlfriend in need.

However, when he called to check if the money was received, he was shocked to hear his wife’s voice on the other end.

The husband has been too afraid to return home, seeking advice from the online community on how to rectify the situation.

His post has garnered plenty of attention, with many offering words of caution and advice on how to make amends.

The post reads:

“My wife took my phone and deleted my girlfriend, Naomi’s number and saved her own number as Naomi.

I didnt know that someone had told my wife about Naomi,I then got an SMS From Naomi asking for money 5,000 Ghana cedis.I rushed to my wife and lied to her that I need 5,000 for an emergency. I told her that my brother is sick and he needs the money urgently.

My wife gave me the money and I rushed to send it to the account number written in the message. When I was relaxing at home after work, I kept wondering if Naomi had received the money.

I sent her an SMS to find out if she had received the money. Her response was, “Call me now.” I went outside behind the house to make a call.eeeh You can imagine my horror face when i heard my wife’s voice instead of Naomi, It’s been three days am still standing outside. I don’t know how to get back into my own house!!!”

Any advice?


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Audrey Osabutey: Audrey Osabutey is a dedicated writer, with a degree in Journalism from the Ghana Institute of Journalism. I specialize on Celebrity news and Lifestyle as well. Contact me on Email: or on Phone: +233 2403 984 44