I Will Be Inaugurated By All Means On January 7th, 2025 — Cheddar

Nana Kwame Bediako, also known as Cheddar, has declared his intention to be inaugurated as the 6th President of Ghana’s 4th Republic on January 7, 2025, following his victory in the 2024 general elections.

Cheddar made this announcement during an appearance on Starr Chat, hosted by Bola Ray.

When asked by the EIB Network CEO if he would indeed assume office next year, Cheddar expressed confidence in his forthcoming inauguration.

Reflecting on the cancellation of his planned program at the Black Star Square earlier this year, Cheddar expressed optimism that his inauguration ceremony at the same venue would proceed as scheduled next year.

Source: OccupyGh.com 

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