Lady Makes Her Boyfriend Mad After Breaking Up With Her To Marry Another Woman

A young woman, choosing to remain anonymous, recently shared a troubling experience about her former boyfriend who became enraged after she broke up with him and he married someone else.

According to her account, she began dating Kwaku shortly after completing Junior High School. Despite their five-year age gap, he promised to take care of her and eventually marry her. Within a month, he took her virginity and she became pregnant, but they terminated the pregnancy.

However, instead of supporting her as promised, Kwaku began taking her money and consuming provisions meant for her schooling as she boarded.

In 2017, Kwaku abruptly ended their relationship, claiming his parents objected to him marrying an Ewe woman. Despite this, he later returned, begging for reconciliation, and she agreed to resume their relationship.

In 2018, she visited Kwaku’s home only to find him with another woman, whom he introduced as his new girlfriend, while dismissing her as an ex who couldn’t let go. Heartbroken, she sought help from a spiritualist who provided her with a substance to use at Kwaku’s doorstep.

Afterward, she tried to move on with her life until encountering Kwaku in 2021, now mentally disturbed. Distressed by this sight, she returned to the spiritualist to undo what she had done, paying for a reversal of the previous ritual.

Years later, when she revisited the spiritualist, she learned that Kwaku had returned to his hometown in 2022.


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