Winneba Government Hospital Dumps Accident Patient In A Bush For Disturbing Other Patients At The Hospital

Winneba Government Hospital officials have reportedly abandoned a patient in her late 40s in a bush at Gomoa Ojobi, as per UTV Ghana.

The unidentified woman, who had suffered a brain injury from an accident on the Ojobi road, was brought to the hospital for treatment. According to UTV reporter Jacob Kubi, Dr. George Prah, the medical superintendent, confirmed that she had been admitted three months ago, but no family members came forward.

Dr. Prah explained that due to her brain injury, the woman frequently shouted and disturbed other patients.

This situation led hospital officials to abandon her in the bush, hoping her family would find her there.

While the families of other accident victims had come to the hospital, this woman’s case was different. Despite efforts to treat her and gather information, she responded slowly to treatment, and attempts to contact her family were unsuccessful.

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