Afia Schwarzenegger Descends On Aunty Naa, Crew Members Again, Rains Curses On Them Live On TikTok

Controversial media personality, Afia Schwarzenegger, has responded to the curses invoked by Sofo of Oyerepa FM, with a scathing attack.

The elderly man had cursed Afia Schwarzenegger for her insults aimed at him and Aunty Naa regarding the Yaw Sarpong, Tiwaa, and Pinamang issue.

In a new video, Afia Schwarzenegger dismissed the curses, claiming her philanthropic efforts have earned her a special place in God’s heart, making her immune to curses.

She launched another tirade against Aunty Naa and Sofo, labeling them “senseless” and accusing them of using their platform to destroy others’ reputations.

Afia Schwarzenegger questioned Aunty Naa’s qualifications to conduct live radio interviews, calling for authorities to ban the show, which she deemed notorious.

The video has sparked intense debate, with many weighing in on the feud.

Watch the video HERE to learn more.


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