Ajagurajah Reveals How Yaw Sarpong’s Children And Wife Are Planning To Kill Him For His Properties

Bishop Ajagurajah has added his voice to the ongoing drama surrounding gospel musician Yaw Sarpong and his estranged family.

In a self-made video, the Bishop alleged that Yaw Sarpong’s sons are prioritizing properties over their father’s well-being, despite his serious illness.

The Bishop expressed shock that the sons are focused on completing a house while their father’s health deteriorates. He questioned their priorities, suggesting that they should be more concerned about their father’s recovery than material possessions.

Bishop Ajagurajah attributed the sons’ actions to the natural tendency of children to side with their mothers, sharing a personal experience where his own child chose his wife over him. He implied that this loyalty to their mother may be driving their decisions.

The Bishop’s comments have sparked debate, with some agreeing with his views on family dynamics while others criticize his involvement in the matter. The Yaw Sarpong family saga continues to unfold, with no resolution in sight.

Source: OccupyGh.com 

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