Most Gospel Musicians Still Rent Houses, They Are Broke – Brother Sammy says

Ghanaian gospel artist Brother Sammy has once again attracted media attention for shedding light on the financial challenges faced by fellow musicians in the industry.

In a recent interview, Brother Sammy, also known as The Nation Worshipper, revealed that many gospel musicians in Ghana struggle to afford decent housing and live in rented accommodations. Despite performing at major churches and contributing to fundraising efforts, he lamented the low compensation rates received by gospel artists.

To overcome financial hardships, Brother Sammy diversified his income sources and invested in real estate. He credited fellow celebrity Tracey Boakye for inspiring him to venture into real estate, a decision that has provided him with financial stability.

Encouraging his peers to explore alternative business opportunities, Brother Sammy emphasized the importance of gospel musicians receiving fair compensation for their work.

His candid revelations have sparked discussions within the music industry about the financial realities faced by Ghanaian gospel artists.


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