Policies of Ghanaian business mogul Nana Kwame Bediako Cheddar has surfaced on social media as netizens engage on it.
The proposed policies from the camp of Cheddar has attracted a stir after it was shared online.

Cheddar, who has been identified as the face behind The New Force intends to prosecute all corrupt former officials within 30 days, change current Constitution, run a lean govt of only 14 ministers and free health care to replace free SHS among others.
Check out the full list of proposed policies below:

▪️Current Constitution change
▪️Prosecute all corrupt former officials within 30 days
▪️Run a lean govt of only 14 ministers
▪️Free health care to replace free SHS
▪️Remove all bad taxes: covid tax, e-levy, bet tax, etc
▪️Invest over $1B in startups & small busineses
▪️All regional, intercity & trunk roads dualized & tolled
▪️Equiq all students with practical skills in TVET, IT, Engineering, Agriculture, etc
▪️Student loans for all tertiary students
▪️Reduce taxes on businesses to increase employment & productivity
▪️All statutory ministries will all work from one building to reduce cost
▪️Investment in green technologies & renewable energy to reduce carbon footprint
▪️Improve housing by introducing a subsidized mortgage program, replacing all old architecture with modern ones
▪️Govt accountability is paramount, citizens forum set up to encourage feedback and criticism
Source: OccupyGh.com
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