Thief Steals Passport and Birth Certificate ONLY After Break In Woman’s Room (VIDEO)

Thief steals passport birth certificate

Thief Steals Passport and Birth Certificate ONLY After Break In Woman's Room (VIDEO)

A young woman was left in shock after discovering a mysterious break-in at her residence. She awoke to find her window shattered and the door she had securely closed the night before now wide open, indicating an intruder had entered and exited her room.

A viral video has surfaced showing the woman expressing her frustration and confusion over the strange incident.

In a bizarre twist, the thief seemed to be solely interested in her personal documents, making off with only her passport and birth certificate.

Despite having cash and other valuable belongings in plain sight, the intruder ignored them, leaving the young woman bewildered.

The police are currently investigating the unusual break-in.

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Audrey Osabutey: Audrey Osabutey is a dedicated writer, with a degree in Journalism from the Ghana Institute of Journalism. I specialize on Celebrity news and Lifestyle as well. Contact me on Email: or on Phone: +233 2403 984 44