“Who Will Choose Fella Over Sister Derby” – Fetish Priest Pours Libation In Medikal’s Favor (VIDEO)

Fetish Priest Pours Libation fella

“Who Will Choose Fella Over Sister Derby” - Fetish Priest Pours Libation In Medikal's Favor (VIDEO)

A self-acclaimed fetish priest quite popular on social media, specifically TikTok, has poured in favor of Medikal, daring Makafui to apologize to her estranged husband.

According to this social media fetish priest, if MDK hasn’t wrong Makafui the libation is for her.

His last statement extended to Strongman and of course his popular punchline in his diss song to MDK.

His act is in reaction to an ongoing marital brouhaha between musician Medikal and his actress wife Fella Makafui.

Netizens reacted:

From “Baby Ayekoo” to Baby Ay3ka...

Who send am?

Asem o

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READ: Abena Korkor Drops Her Viral Video Amidst Medikal And Fella Brouhaha

Source: OccupyGh.com 

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Neil Blackson: Neil Blackson has a B.A in Communication studies from the Ghana Institute of Journalism & currently undergoing a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree programme at the University of Cape Coast. I focus on local news, entertaining news, sports. I'm a socialite and a Manchester United fan :D Contact me on Email: occupygh@gmail.com or Phone: +233 247 659 843