Asantehene Urges Health Minister to Complete Hospital Projects

Asantehene ghana economy

Asantehene Urges Health Minister to Complete Hospital Projects

The Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, has expressed optimism about Ghana’s economic recovery.

He recently urged the Health Minister, Dr. Bernard Okoe Boye, to prioritize the completion of hospital projects nationwide.

The Asantehene emphasized the importance of completing these projects to enhance healthcare delivery. Dr. Okoe Boye is currently on a four-day working visit to the Ashanti Region to assess the progress of new health facilities.

He has inspected the new Ashanti Regional Hospital and visited the Bekwai Municipal Hospital.

The Minister’s visit aims to ensure that all projects are completed on time and meet standards.

The Asantehene’s call for the completion of hospital projects aligns with the government’s commitment to improving healthcare infrastructure.


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Neil Blackson: Neil Blackson has a B.A in Communication studies from the Ghana Institute of Journalism & currently undergoing a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree programme at the University of Cape Coast. I focus on local news, entertaining news, sports. I'm a socialite and a Manchester United fan :D Contact me on Email: or Phone: +233 247 659 843