Awal Abdul Hakeem Attempts Longest Tree Hug To Break Guinness World Record

Longest Tree Hug

Awal Abdul Hakeem Attempts Longest Tree Hugging To Break Guinness World Record

Awal Abdul Hakeem is currently attempting to break the Guinness World Record for the longest tree hug at the Kumasi Cultural Center.

The daring feat, which began earlier today, aims to surpass the current record of 16 hours and 6 seconds set by Faith Patricia Ariokot of Uganda on January 16, 2024.

Abdul is determined to hug the tree for an impressive 48 hours, a challenge that will test his endurance and dedication.

Officials are closely monitoring the event to ensure that all guidelines are met. If successful, Abdul’s achievement will be a remarkable demonstration of human resilience and connection with nature.

The current record holder, Faith Patricia Ariokot, set the bar high, but Abdul is confident in his ability to push beyond.

The attempt has drawn a crowd of supporters and curious onlookers, all eager to witness history in the making.

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Neil Blackson: Neil Blackson has a B.A in Communication studies from the Ghana Institute of Journalism & currently undergoing a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree programme at the University of Cape Coast. I focus on local news, entertaining news, sports. I'm a socialite and a Manchester United fan :D Contact me on Email: or Phone: +233 247 659 843