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Castro Sold His Soul, He’s Now Living With Us And Will Not Return Again — Lady From Marine World

A young Ghanaian lady who claims be from the marine world has made starling revelations about Castro’s disappearance.

According to her on Prophet Nana Yaw Sarfoh’s Y’asetenam show, Castro is currently living in the marine world and has even adapted to the life there. The young lady added that on the day the sad incident happened, she knew the popular musician wouldn’t return again because he had already sold his soul to them.

She recounted how any effort from his family to retrieve or bring him back to earth would prove frutile, stating that the musician was their number one target, and they’ve finally gotten him.

The young lady also took time to reveal that former Black Stars player Asamoah Gyan is innocent and has no hand in the musician’s disappearance.

READ:  Expect The Arrival Of Castro Soon, He's Not Dead — Prophet

Aside from God, the young lady said nobody can bring him back while emphasizing how he’s now even forgotten and no more talked about in the country.

Here’s what she said;

“Castro came to our kingdom, the day the incident happened, I was in the house. After the news broke out that he had drowned, I knew he would not return. He’s now in a different world. I knew the effort of his family to retrieve him would be in vain. Asamoah Gyan knows nothing about his disappearance, and if he had drowned, his body would have been retrieved because he wasn’t our target, unlike castro. I don’t know if anyone can bring him because it’s years there and he’s even been forgotten, nobody talks about him now. He’s so okay there. So, he sold his soul so only God could bring him back.


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