It’s Over For Ghana And Nigeria – Viral Video Of Chinese Lady Eating Fufu With Chopstick Causes Stir

chinese lady eating fufu

Is Is Over For Ghana and Nigeria - Viral Video Of Chinese Eating Fufu With Chopstick Causes Stir

A viral video of a young Chinese lady eagerly and excitingly eating Fufu with chopsticks has surfaced online causing a stir with reactions and comments.

The trending video available to us at captures a young Chinese national eating a bowl of pounded Fufu/Yam with a light soup.

She excitedly consumes the West African delicacy with the aura of an African woman.

Her video has sparked a stir of comments and reactions online:

What is going on here?

Why do I feel like it choke me

Why is she eating our fufu like that, is she crazy ???

Check out the video below or visit for more videos & Kindly Subscribe to our YouTube channel to access more viral, educative & exclusive videos. 

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Neil Blackson: Neil Blackson has a B.A in Communication studies from the Ghana Institute of Journalism & currently undergoing a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree programme at the University of Cape Coast. I focus on local news, entertaining news, sports. I'm a socialite and a Manchester United fan :D Contact me on Email: or Phone: +233 247 659 843