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Dambai Ferry Breaks Down Leaving Passengers Stranded

Dambai Ferry Breaks Down Leaving Passengers Stranded
Dambai Ferry Breaks Down Leaving Passengers Stranded

The ‘Dambai’ Ferry on the River Oti in the Oti Region is a major means of transporting passengers and goods from Accra to the region and back.

The ferry has however reportedly broken down at Dambai, in the Oti Region.

A source revealed to that the ferry developed an engine fault while transporting passengers and goods from Dambai on Thursday night to Accra.

Dambai Ferry Breaks Down Leaving Passengers Stranded
Dambai Ferry

Passengers on the ferry were said to have spent the night in Dambai with the hope that the ferry could be repaired.

This has left most passengers with goods including drivers and traders stranded at Dambai since the road leading to the Northern Region has been blocked for construction.

Passengers are calling on the government to come to their assistance by either providing a new ferry or building a bridge on the river.

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