Dangote Refinery Fire: Brought Under Control, No Casualties Reported

Dangote Refinery Fire

Dangote Refinery Fire: Brought Under Control, No Casualties Reported

A fire broke out at the Dangote Refinery in Lagos State, Nigeria, on June 26, 2024. Multiple sources, including YabaLeftOnline and Vanguard Newspapers, reported the incident.

A portion of the refinery was engulfed in flames, but the fire was successfully extinguished.

There were no reported casualties, and the extent of the damage is yet to be fully assessed. Workers were evacuated from the affected section.

According to Anthony Chiejina, a spokesman for the Dangote Group, the fire was minor and the refinery is still operating.

The cause of the fire remains unknown, but sabotage has been ruled out.

An investigation into the incident is likely to follow.

Source: OccupyGh.com 

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Neil Blackson: Neil Blackson has a B.A in Communication studies from the Ghana Institute of Journalism & currently undergoing a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree programme at the University of Cape Coast. I focus on local news, entertaining news, sports. I'm a socialite and a Manchester United fan :D Contact me on Email: occupygh@gmail.com or Phone: +233 247 659 843