Drama As Groom Shows Up On Wedding Day Drunk (VIDEO)

A groom set to marry his fiancée left family and guests embarrassed and in disarray after arriving at the wedding in a highly intoxicated state.

The young man was found passed out on the floor, having reportedly consumed an unknown substance with his groomsmen prior to the ceremony.

The situation quickly escalated into confusion and panic as attempts to rouse the groom proved futile; he was nearly completely unconscious.

Family members and guests were shocked and distressed by the unexpected turn of events, which disrupted the wedding proceedings.

Despite numerous efforts to wake him, the groom remained unresponsive, leaving everyone present bewildered and concerned.

The bride, along with her family and friends, was particularly devastated by the groom’s condition and the impact it had on their special day.

This incident underscores the importance of responsible behavior, especially on significant occasions. The groom’s actions not only embarrassed his loved ones but also cast a shadow over what should have been a joyous celebration.

As the story circulates, it serves as a cautionary tale about the potential consequences of substance abuse, highlighting the need for moderation and accountability in all circumstances.

Video below;

Source: OccupyGh.com 

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