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EnterVarsity, Your Ultimate University Search Engine Goes Live

EnterVaristy, Your Ultimate University Search Engine
EnterVaristy, Your Ultimate University Search Engine

Ghana’s path to progress has conventionally depended heavily on its schools, colleges and universities – and today, that’s truer than ever.

It is especially difficult to find a centralized information source on Ghana’s higher education ecosystem. This is where we come in. Entervarsity is a universities’ search service – a higher education gateway to opportunities for all students in Ghana and abroad.  

At Entervarsity, we believe that every student deserves top-notch educational opportunities. We strive to cater to each student’s need and match them to an outstanding school.

Together with industry experts, we are working on breaking down the barriers that keep parents and students from discovering suitable schools and programmes online. We are committed to completely removing geographical barriers that keep students from accessing the information they need when choosing their path to higher education. With Entervarsity, parents and students now have a simple, comprehensive, and smooth online search experience. Transparency on university courses and programmes is our mark of excellence!

EnterVaristy, Your Ultimate University Search Engine
EnterVaristy, Your Ultimate University Search Engine

Having a hard time choosing your career path? Entervarsity has assembled the best consultants on our platform who are ready to guide parents and students in their school and programme search. We pledge to cater to every student’s programme selection and guide their placement in university, ensuring their chance at thriving.

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During the development of Entervarsity, we found that information was even harder to access than we initially expected. The lack of basic up-to-date data on universities’ websites on fees, student population, international students, and scholarships, reinforced our incentive to be the agent of change.

EnterVarsity Goes Live
EnterVarsity EnterVarsity - University Search Engine
EnterVarsity – University Search Engine

That is why today, Entervarsity is joining universities in Ghana to bring you comprehensive information on institutions and programmes. With better alignment of existing higher education data and clearer information to support current search efforts, we are committed to breaking down critical barriers many Ghanaians and foreigners face. Making well-informed decisions about your future in a Ghanaian university shouldn’t be a burden but an exciting experience! Entervarsity is here to make your search for higher education fun and enjoyable.

Ready to begin your search? Visit to find out more about our services.
Keep up with us via our social media handle @entervarsity (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram)

For further information, kindly contact us via [email protected] and on (+233) 0507514187.


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