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Fella Makafui’s US Trip Funded by Wealthy ‘Godfather – Bongo Ideas Drops Bombshell

Fella makafui us trip
Fella Makafui's US Trip Funded by Wealthy 'Godfather - Bongo Ideas Drops Bombshell

Ghanaian socialite Bongo Ideas has made a shocking claim about Fella Makafui’s recent trip to the USA.

According to Bongo, the trip was sponsored by a wealthy New Yorker known as “Godfather”.

Bongo revealed on Twitter that “Godfather” has been hosting Fella in the US whenever she visits, even during her marriage to Medikal.

The loudmouth socialite implied that Fella’s relationship with “Godfather” may have contributed to her marriage woes.

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Fella has not publicly confirmed or denied the allegations. Bongo’s claims have sparked a heated debate on social media, with many speculating about the nature of Fella’s relationship with “Godfather”.

Some have questioned Bongo’s motives for sharing the information, while others have praised her for speaking her truth.

The drama continues.

Check out the screenshot of the tweet below:

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