A young man has been apprehended by the police as he attempted to board a London-bound flight from Kotoka International Airport.
This incident sheds light on the desperation of many Ghanaian youths who are eager to leave the country by any means necessary, legal or otherwise.
According to reports, the young man was spotted crawling on the airport’s tarmac, leading officials from Aviance, a terminal management company under Ghana Airport Company, to detain him.

It is unclear how the individual gained access to the airport and the tarmac, raising concerns among authorities. They suspect that the young man, currently in police custody, navigated through the bushes along Burma Camp road to reach the tarmac.
Authorities have revealed that the young man intended to board a British Airways flight scheduled to depart from Kotoka International Airport Terminal 3 to Heathrow in the United Kingdom.
Source: OccupyGh.com
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