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I Tied My Boyfriend With My Menstrual Blood But Still Dumped Me For My Best Friend — Lady Cries

A heartbroken Ghanaian lady has revealed how her once-loving boyfriend dumped her for her best friend despite even tying him with her menstrual blood.

On Ms Nancy’s Confessions show, the yet-to-be-identified lady walked her audience through her past relationship, explaining how she was enjoying her relationship with her boyfriend and having a good time until she decided to tie the man down so she would own him forever.

According to the young lady, she was surfing the internet when she chanced on a video of a lady advertising traditional medicine mainly used to strengthen relationships.

Though she was having no difficulty in her relationship then, the lady said she privately chat the medicine seller and purchased one of the products and was also instructed to cook her boyfriend’s favourite food with droplets of her menstrual blood which she did.

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Within the first three months after having followed the directives of the medicine seller, the lady attested that her boyfriend loved her more.

However, things began to take a nosedive in her relationship for no reason, a situation which prompted and got her worried to seek an immediate solution because she did not want to lose the man.

Fast forward, the lady said she confided in her best friend to help her nip the solution but things even got worse ever after her close conversation with her friend.

From the lady’s narration, it appears her friend also performed tricks on her boyfriend, forcing him to love her (the friend) more and ignoring her.

She said her boyfriend is now in a serious relationship with her boyfriend and has dumped her.


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