“I Was Fat… Broken Heart Made Me Lose Weight” – Skinny Lady Cries Out On Social Media

"I Was Fat... Broken Heart Got Me To Lose Weight" - Skinny Lady

"I Was Fat... Broken Heart Got Me To Lose Weight" - Skinny Lady Cries Out On Social Media

A young lady with the social media handle @SlimBrokenLove has taken to her social media page to share a story of how she got skinny after suffering a broken heart.

The young lady, @SlimBrokenLove who goes by the name Naana detailed in a social media post sighted by OccupyGh.com on how she was left heartbroken from her relationship with a man she once referred to us the ‘Love of my life’.

“He was the one that called my ‘love of my life’. I even didn’t know such adjectives existed until I met him.

We both loved each other, well, that was what he made me believe.

He bought me things, I did the same to him. We always hang out together and we smile at each other jokes including the impulsive farts.

Life was good and then I gained more weight and became fat than I used to be.

All of a sudden I noticed he had changed towards me. He did not call me bae anymore and was hungry anytime I fat impulsively.

He claims my fat smells now and runs out of the room when I fart.

He left me, broke my heart, and now I am slim, skinny, and left with no one to love me. Please advise me.”

Source: OccupyGh.com

Source: OccupyGh.com 

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Audrey Osabutey: Audrey Osabutey is a dedicated writer, with a degree in Journalism from the Ghana Institute of Journalism. I specialize on Celebrity news and Lifestyle as well. Contact me on Email: forrreal987@gmail.com or on Phone: +233 2403 984 44