Legon Student Unknowingly Sells Her Soul To Ritualist For Money, Cries On Social Media For Help

A 23-year-old University of Ghana student has shared her distressing experience on social media, revealing how her life took a downturn after becoming involved with an older man.

In her account, the young woman explained that a man had been generously supporting her on campus, covering all her needs and ensuring she lived comfortably. Despite not discussing love or a relationship, the man was very possessive, preventing her friends and other male students from approaching her.

She praised the man for his help and mentioned that he had introduced her to his family and friends as his biological sister, providing her with additional benefits.

However, when the man traveled abroad for his birthday, one of his friends approached her, offering a relationship with even more incentives than she had been receiving. She accepted and entered into a secret relationship with this friend.

Two weeks into their relationship, they started becoming intimate and shared couple’s goals. When the original benefactor returned and discovered the affair, he angrily warned her to stay away from his friend.

Since then, the woman has been in emotional turmoil, as the benefactor expressed how her involvement with the older man had ruined his life. Confused and seeking clarity, she took to social media for advice, revealing that the older man she was intimate with had now blocked her.


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