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Mensah Otabil Responds to ‘Senseless Bible Quotes’ Comments

Mensah Otabil Responds 'Senseless Bible Quotes' Comments
Mensah Otabil Responds to 'Senseless Bible Quotes' Comments

Founder and leader of the International Central Gospel Church (ICGC), Pastor Mensa Otabil, has found himself in some hot waters after a recent sermon went viral with a spin his church did not like.

Otabil had said in a sermon that some bible verses do not make sense, referring to Luke 6:29, where Jesus famously asked people to turn the other cheek as an example.

According to him, the scripture: “Do not seek repayment. To him who strikes you on the one cheek, offer the other also. And from him who takes away your cloak, do not withhold your tunic either. Give to everyone who asks of you”, does not make sense at all.

“Why should the Bible say that if someone slaps you on the left, you should turn the right to the person as well. It doesn’t make sense, which of you can do that?” he reportedly queried.

However, after his comments went viral, the church has released a statement to ‘clarify’ what Otabil actually said.

According to the statement, his comments were simply to show that God’s ‘nonsense’ is more advanced than man’s ‘sense’, whatever that means.

Basically if what the Bible is saying is the stupidest thing you ever said, just take it that you’re even stupider and just accept it like that.


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