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Imoro Soldier: Military Officers Storm Ashaiman After Thugs Allegedly Murdered him

Imoro soldier
Imoro soldier

On the 5th of March, 2023, it was announced that a private military soldier, Imoro Sherif has allegedly been murdered by some unidentified gangs in Ashaiman-Taifa.

Per the rumors circulating had it, they wanted to rob him of his belonging but as he resisted, they stabbed him in the back leading to his demise.

Ashaiman soldier killed

The soldier identified as Soldier aka Imoro was one of the young soldiers who was not long ago recruited into the military.

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After few days after his demise, the soldiers stormed Ashaiman to get justice for their very own.

The residents of Ashaiman are in hot soups after the military stormed there to discipline them.

Images and videos are circulating on the internet showing how the military punished them.


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