Mr Logic Hold To Ransome By Police For Allegedly Duping Someone GHS48K

Emmanuel Barnes, popularly known as Mr. Logic, a prominent figure in Ghana’s entertainment industry, has found himself at the center of a legal storm.

The renowned entertainment pundit and artiste manager has been accused of fraud, allegedly swindling an individual of GHC 84,000.

Mr. Logic’s arrest and subsequent court appearance have sent shockwaves through the entertainment community, with many fans and industry insiders eagerly following the developments.

The case alleges that Mr. Logic failed to deliver on promises made in exchange for payment, leading to the fraud allegations.

After appearing in court, Mr. Logic was granted bail, affording him temporary relief as he prepares to face further legal proceedings. The details of his bail terms and amount remain undisclosed.

The news has sparked a mixed reaction from the public, with some expressing support for Mr. Logic and hoping for his exoneration, while others demand a thorough investigation to ensure justice is served. His legal team is expected to mount a robust defense to counter the allegations.


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