New York City To Give Out Free Apple AirTags To Resident To Stop Rampant Car Thefts

New York Free Apple AirTags To Resident

New York City To Give Out Free Apple AirTags To Resident To Stop Rampant Car Thefts

Will handling a free Apple AirTags to resent in an effort to stop rampant car thefts ever work? Well, that is what New York City Mayor Eric Adams plans to do.

New York City will give out free Apple AirTags to residents as part of an effort to pump the brakes on rampant car thefts, Mayor Eric Adams announced Sunday.

New York City Major Eric Adams said 500 of the gadgets donated by a local nonprofit will be doled out to New Yorkers, including in the NYPD’s 43th Precinct in The Bronx.

“The aggravated number of grand larceny autos continues to drive up crime in our city,” said Adams, joined by police officials, at a press conference, while noting that other major crimes — such as shootings, homicides and robberies, and larcenies — have been on the downturn.

“This simple device, this simple AirTag, hidden in a car location that a person is not aware, of is an excellent tracking device,” Adams said. “It’s easy to monitor. You can see in real-time where the vehicle is located.” 👀😳

In recent days, New York City especially the NYPD’s 43rd Precinct in The Bronx has been hit particularly hard by the carjacking scourge.


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withalvin: Alvin is a passionate entertainment writer with a keen interest in music, movies, and celebrity news. He has a strong background in journalism and has been writing professionally for several years now. Alvin's writing is known for its creativity, wit, and insightful commentary on the latest happenings in the entertainment world. Contact me by Email: or Phone: +233 254 668 8029