Nigerian Video Director Goes After Shatta Wale In A Rambo Style For Owing Him $5K And Refusing To pay

Acclaimed Nigerian video director, Choppenson, has publicly called out Ghanaian musician Shatta Wale for allegedly failing to pay him $5,000 for services rendered.

In a video statement, Choppenson revealed that Shatta Wale hired him for a three-day project in Tamale, which he completed.

He then agreed to extend his stay to work on additional projects, given their longstanding professional relationship, which has yielded 13 music videos.

However, despite fulfilling his obligations, Choppenson claims Shatta Wale and his team have neglected to pay him the agreed-upon fee, initially quoted as $15,000, later reduced to $5,000.

Choppenson’s public accusation has sparked attention in the entertainment industry, highlighting the importance of fair compensation for creative services.


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