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Obroni Lawyer Exposes Hajia4Real, Reveals How She Set Her Baby Daddy

After much controversy, Hajia 4 Real has been sentenced to a one-year jail term for her alleged involvement in fraud and money laundering.

Despite the severity of the crimes, her legal team successfully argued for a reduced sentence.

A foreign journalist who has been following the case has released a video analyzing the verdict. According to the journalist, Hajia 4 Real’s legal team effectively argued that she was coerced into committing fraud by her ex-boyfriend and baby father.

READ:  Hajia4Real Faces 3 Months in Jail and Deportation to Ghana in Plea Deal
hajia 4real guilty plea

They also claimed that she was a victim of abuse, which made it difficult for her to refuse his requests.

The journalist’s video breaks down the legal team’s strategy and how it contributed to the relatively lenient sentence. The outcome has sparked interest in the case, with many following the developments.

Watch the video below;


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