Patapaa’s Ex-Wife Makes Deep Revelation About Her Failed Marriage With The Musician

Liha Miller, wife of musician Patapaa, has disclosed that their marriage fell apart just months after their wedding.

Miller explained that the marriage was not working out, leading her to request a divorce. She mentioned that she has not communicated with Patapaa for over two years and has been liaising with his parents to finalize the divorce.

In Ghana to visit her friend, actor Atemuda, Miller clarified, “People don’t need to know because it is my private life.

Many people are thinking wrongly and I have to clear it up a little bit. I got married to Patapaa in 2021 but the marriage did not work out.”

She added, “We are officially married and in Ghana, it is a process. We got divorced and we are in the process of ending everything. Patapaa and I have not spoken since shortly after the wedding. I asked for a divorce, but he did not take it seriously.”


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