President Akufo-Addo and Otumfuor Osei Tutu Display The Longest Convoy Ever At The Opening Of The Kumasi Airport

Kumasi, the capital city of the Ashanti Region, was ablaze with unprecedented jubilation today.

The festive atmosphere followed the official inauguration of the Prempeh I International Airport on Friday, May 10th, 2024.

The event attracted distinguished personalities from Ghana and beyond, amplifying the excitement of the occasion.

Amidst the resplendent airport setting, the spectacle of elegance, influence, authority, and sovereignty captivated onlookers.

President Nana Addo, representing the nation, made a majestic entrance radiating confidence and sophistication.

His arrival, accompanied by an extensive convoy, stole the spotlight, leaving attendees in admiration of the sheer grandeur of the procession.

Similarly, His Royal Highness Otumfour graced the occasion with his regal presence as the revered King, arriving with a formidable entourage in an impressive convoy, further elevating the event’s magnificence.

Witness the spectacle in the video below;


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