Radio Presenter Exposes Top Ghanaian Female Celebrities Who Eat Dog’s Poo In Dubai To Sustain Lavish Lifestyles

In a recent interview on Kingdom FM, acclaimed Ghanaian radio presenter Ms. Sandra Boateng has delved into the lengths to which certain prominent women in East Legon go to fund their opulent lifestyles.

Sandra Boateng shed light on the startling revelation that many of these affluent women, often seen driving luxury cars and dining at upscale restaurants, engage in unconventional means to finance their extravagant expenses.

According to Boateng, these women partake in activities such as consuming the excrement of wealthy individuals as a means of financial support. She further elucidated that wealthy benefactors from the UAE reportedly confiscate the phones of these women until their demands are met.

Moreover, Boateng disclosed that some women are coerced into engaging in intimate relations with the pets of affluent individuals in exchange for substantial sums of money.

Following these clandestine encounters and the receipt of sizable payments, these women return to Ghana to lead a life of luxury.

The revelations shared by Boateng serve as a stark reminder of the lengths individuals may go to in pursuit of material wealth and social status.

Watch her speak below;


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