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Republican Colin Powell Dumps Trump To Endorse Joe Biden | VIDEO

Colin Powell endorses joe biden
Republican Colin Powell Dumps Trump To Endorse Joe Biden

Republican Colin Powell Dumps Trump To Endorse Joe Biden

Democratic candidate, Mr. Joe Biden received a major support Tuesday night as Collin Powell called on Americans to massively vote for him.

Biden has been officially nominated to run for the White House on November 3.joe

Powell, a former Secretary of State, is the latest top Republican to openly support Biden.

The endorsement confirms his opposition to the re-election of his party member, President Donald Trump.

Powell expressed confidence that Biden presidency would “restore America’s leadership and moral authority’’.

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The former U.S. top diplomat stated that the country is divided.

Powell accused the president of doing everything in his power to keep it that way.

He noted that there would be a difference if America has a leader “who unites us, who restores our strength and our soul.”

“I still believe that in our hearts, we are the same America that brought my parents to our shores, an America that inspires freedom around the world. That’s the America Joe Biden will lead as our next president,’’ Powell said.

Recent polls put Biden, a former vice president, ahead of Trump.


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