‘How Is You’ – Throwback Video of Fella Makafui In YOLO Following Arrest Resurfaces

fella makafui YOLO video

'How Is You' - Throwback Video of Fella Makafui In YOLO Following Arrest Resurfaces

A throwback video of Fella Makafui effortlessly living her acting career in the YOLO series has just surfaced amidst news of her arrest.

If you missed it, this is it – Fella was arrested in the early hours of Thursday 23rd May, 2024.

The arrest was reportedly facilitated by investigative documentary filmmaking firm, ISPYGH 247 in collaboration with the Pharmacy Council Ghana.

In the wake of her arrest, Ghanaian social media users have gone berserk with reactions.

Among the many reactions is a throwback video of Fella Makafui in her startup days as an actress in the YOLO series.

Check out the video below or visit OccupyGh.com for more videos & Kindly Subscribe to our YouTube channel to access more viral, educative & exclusive videos. 

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READ: Fella Makafui Net Worth In 2024

Source: OccupyGh.com 

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withalvin: Alvin is a passionate entertainment writer with a keen interest in music, movies, and celebrity news. He has a strong background in journalism and has been writing professionally for several years now. Alvin's writing is known for its creativity, wit, and insightful commentary on the latest happenings in the entertainment world. Contact me by Email: withalvintv@gmail.com or Phone: +233 254 668 8029