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Weed Truck Collides With Cargo Car on Accra-Kumasi Road, Casualties Reported

accident accra kumasi road

Reports confirmed from OccupyGh sources indicates that an accident has occurred on the Accra-Kumasi road, Anyinasin junction claiming the lives of two people.

The accident occurred today, Saturday 23rd March 2019 around 5:00 am. A cargo car carrying mining equipment crashed head-on into a truck illegally carrying weed and charcoal.

The driver and his mate in the truck died instantly from the impact of the crash. The truck perished beyond repairs.

The assemblyman of the area and his team acted bravely rescued 3 others who have sustained severe injuries and have transported them to a nearby hospital to receive treatment.

Just yesterday, a VVIP bus and Grindbird bus collided head-on killing over 50 people on the Tamale-Kintampo Highway.

A few hours later, another accident occurred on the Winneba Highway killing 8 people and maiming others.



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