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Ways to Make Your Writing More Interesting and Better

ways make writing interesting and better

Our Anglo-Saxon education system is built on writing assignments, even if you don’t really like to write, you need to learn how to do it. Even if you are a technical student, you will constantly be asked for different essays, definition papers, and other writing assignments, without which you will not be able to graduate from college and get a diploma.

Therefore, in our article, we have collected tips and tricks that will help you make your writing more interesting and better. Of course, we understand that you will not be able to start using them all at the same time, but begin with at least a few, and you will see how your results and the pleasure of writing work will improve significantly.

Find Personnel Interest in What You Are Writing About

It is very difficult to write about something that you yourself are not interested in at all. Of course, you can’t always choose an essay topic yourself. But if you still have such an opportunity, be sure to do it. Don’t be too lazy to dedicate enough time to research and try to find the topic you are really interested in. But if the task is given by the teacher, then be sure to take the time to find an aspect in this topic that will be of interest to you. Then the whole further process will be faster and easier, and you will be able to better reveal the topic of your work. Your interest in the work will definitely be noticed and will be reflected in your assessment.

Write an Outline No Matter What

It’s best if you start by writing an outline. Even if the teacher does not require an outline along with an essay, still write one for yourself. You can return to it when you get stuck. Once again, you will collect the main thoughts, and then you can only supplement them if necessary. Very often, the first intuitive thoughts that come to mind when you first start work are the most important later. Then it is easy to develop them and supplement them. This will help you deal with procrastination. This will save you time and make essay writing faster and more interesting.

Plan Writing is Short Periods

When you have to write another essay, you think that this is one big piece of time that will have to be spent over several days. But in fact, the best way to make your work better and more interesting is to plan short sets of 25-30 minutes. So your brain will not get tired, you will give it enough rest, and you will be able to maintain this pace for a long time. It is better to do 6-8 sets of 20-25 minutes than to work 3 hours in a row, and then not approach the task for 2 days at all.

Use Active Voice and Vivid Verbs

It is better to do 6-8 sets of 20-25 minutes than to work 3 hours in a row, and then not approach the task for 2 days at all. A long time ago, academic writing stopped appreciating passive voice. The passive voice remained only in very formal documents, actually living its last days in the essay. Therefore, make the most of the active voice wherever possible and use lively, interesting, vivid verbs to describe actions. Of course not in all essays you use the pronouns I, We, but it does not mean that your academic writing should be too official and boring.

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Use Synonyms, but don’t go Rogue

We advise you to select synonyms for the most commonly used words, because if you write the twentieth interesting in your essay, then the professor will simply not be interested in reading it, and he may lower your grade. Invent synonyms yourself or use special services, but at the same time try to use frequently used synonyms that are heard and used. Sometimes students want to impress the professor and use outdated synonyms or synonyms from highly specialized fields. Then this is considered a grammatical error, which will reduce the score for your essay.

Choose the Most Motivating Setting

Each person has his own techniques that help him tune in to work. Someone needs complete silence, someone works in the dark, someone works more productively in the morning, and it is more convenient for someone to work at night. The most important thing is to find the most comfortable setting for yourself. Then you can plan to write the most complex and responsible essays for this time. Of course, circumstances are not always ideal, and it happens that texts must be written regardless of mood, state, or usual convenience. If the situation develops in such a way that despite all efforts, you cannot write a quality essay before the deadline, in this case, consider delegating it to a professional academic essay writing service, such as The experts who work here will write a quality essay for you, and you will have time to check it. Later, you can use this essay as an example for the rest of your writing assignments. Don’t be afraid to delegate some of your assignments, because in real life, when you start working, the delegation will become an integral part of your daily routine. The main thing is to achieve your goal, and only you choose effective means to achieve this goal.

To make these tips useful for you, it’s like with fitness and a healthy lifestyle, it’s not enough to read the tips, but you need to start putting them into practice. Because if you only read about how to eat right, then you will not lose weight and become healthier after reading tips on leading a healthy lifestyle. You will simply become more literate in this area of knowledge. That is if you just read how to write an essay well, but do not convert theory into practice, then nothing good will come of it and a quality essay will not write itself.



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