Kraman Girlfriend Shut Up – Wendy Shay Slams Afia Schwarzenegger

wendy shay and afia Schwarzenegger

Kraman Girlfriend Shut Up - Wendy Shay Slams Afia Schwarzenegger

Ghanaian loudmouth personality Afia Schwarzenegger has suddenly become a fashion critic following the recent Telecel Ghana Music Awards (TGMA).

Afia has taken it upon herself to rate practically everyone who was on the red carpet of TGMA.

Afia has in a series of posts criticized celebrities from Bullet, Afia Asantewaa and now she is on Wendy Shay.

According to a trending video from Afia Schwarzenegger, Wendy Shay looked cheap when she attended the TGMAs’ night.

In reply, Wendy shared a post on her X app; she noted:

“Hey Kraman girlfriend shut up…”

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withalvin: Alvin is a passionate entertainment writer with a keen interest in music, movies, and celebrity news. He has a strong background in journalism and has been writing professionally for several years now. Alvin's writing is known for its creativity, wit, and insightful commentary on the latest happenings in the entertainment world. Contact me by Email: or Phone: +233 254 668 8029