BREAK: Lil Win Involved In Ghastly Accident

lil win accident

BREAK: Lil Win Involved In Ghastly Accident

A piece of sad news reaching us at indicates that Ghanaian actor Lil Win has been involved in a motor accident.

As per the details gathered, the accident happened around Amokom, a suburb of the Kumasi Metropolis in the early hours of Saturday, May 25, 2024.

Details about his en route remain unclear.

However, the front of his Mercedes Benz looks mangled suggesting he may have run into another vehicle.

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withalvin: Alvin is a passionate entertainment writer with a keen interest in music, movies, and celebrity news. He has a strong background in journalism and has been writing professionally for several years now. Alvin's writing is known for its creativity, wit, and insightful commentary on the latest happenings in the entertainment world. Contact me by Email: or Phone: +233 254 668 8029